Where is My Mother?

Had a little visitor last night.  Not sure which bush or tree he came from.  He looked a little lost and I didn’t see momma bird around anywhere.  I hope she came back for him as we got heavy rains last night. 

Nags Head – Counting the Blessings

Counting my blessings as I sat in Paradise!  We spent a week in Nags Head, North Carolina, with the sun on our face and the wind at our back.  It’s the kind of vacation you never want to end, time to relax and enjoy life.  My favorite part of the day was sitting on the beach in the mornings before most had gotten up, before the crowds descended, watching the surf and the birds at play.  We had a wonderful time visiting with and catching up with John’s family.


205. Waterfalls
206. Lazy turtles
207. A day in the park with friends
208. Little boy silliness
209. Eternal life
210. Baby cardinals-getting to watch them grow
211. Goldfinch at play
212. An evening to say good-bye to friends
3 Gifts that made me smile
213. Jack, Maelyn, and Lily

214.  The smell of ocean air

215.  Sea shells
216.  Crashing waves
217.  Sun sparkling on the water

218.  An ocean sunrise
219.  Sand between your toes
220.  Seagulls
221.  Crabs on the beach
222.  Playing in the rain
223.  Seafood
224.  Catching up with family

225.  Thunderstorms over an ocean horizon
226.  Lightening bolts
227.  Watching a sunset above the clouds
228.  Cottonball clouds

229.  Playing in the waves
230.  Super moon
231.  Walks on the beach

232.  Dolphins swimming by
233.  Whale sightings

Babies Are Back

The baby cardinals came back!  It’s amazing to me that such a simple thing can bring so much joy.  Sitting on the deck, I heard their little chirps, familiar but different.  Somehow, before I saw them, I knew.  When I looked to see what it was, there they were sitting on the wall. 

Read about their start in this world, here.

I didn’t think I’d know what happened to them once they left the nest, or if they would even survive.  They were so tiny, so fragile, but they did and here they were tail feathers growing strong…soon strong enough to fly off on their own.  I watched them play and eat for a while.  It didn’t take long for momma to arrive continuing to watch over, protect, guide. 


Does she know how short her time is?  Does she realize that soon they will leave?  Will what she taught them be enough?  I wanted to tell her that soon she’d have to let go.  That she will watch them fly away, she will watch them make decisions that will hurt them, she won’t be able to protect them like she can now.  There is coming a time when all she can do is trust in what she taught them and that they will see the right way, trust in her God to guide their paths, protect them from harm, and bring them back.  I wish I could tell her that broken hearts mend, that peace that surpasses all understanding can and will replace the fear and anxiety. 

My son,<sup class="crossreference" value="(A)”> do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart,
 for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.  3 Let love and faithfulness<sup class="crossreference" value="(E)”> never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.  4Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
                                                                         Proverbs 3:1-4 NIV
Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
                                                                       Proverbs 22:6 NIV

Flying the Coop

We have babies!  Well, baby Cardinals that is right out front in our lilac tree.  I’ve been watching them the last couple of week. 

I thought, at first, they were barn swallows because I had two barn swallows, male and female, having a fit at me one day on the porch.
I showed them to Beki and then skipped a few days and what a difference a few days can make.  As I pulled back the branches to check on them, one of the pair flew right out of the nest and onto the driveway.
I was worried he was too small to leave the nest and, with gloves, I scooped him back up and put him back in. 
However, later I was watching out the window to make sure mom and dad were coming and they were, I saw him sitting on the top of the tree.  Of course, I ran to get the camera and as I came back he, again, flew out of the tree and landed in the garden.

He sat in the garden and watched me for awhile, then jumped up onto the porch. 

As mom and dad were chirping and carrying on, the little guy flies into one or our bushes and, finally, found himself down into the backyard and into the woods. 

I could hear him somewhere in the bushes and mom and dad were continuing to follow him.  You could tell they were worried by the way they were carrying on or maybe they were coaxing him to join them.  But, they never left him.  When I went out to check this morning, baby 2 was also gone.  I hope they make it ok out in this great big world.  I’m pretty sure they had really good parents who will show them the way.

Isn’t that just like life.  We nurture and teach our children, then one day unexpectedly they take wings and fly the coop.  They think they are all grown up, that they don’t need us anymore, but then you get that call…the one that says “I still need you.” 
We pray that everything we teach them, faith in God, self confidence, respect for others, respect for money, taking care and having pride in your belongings, building relationships, work ethic, will stay with them.  Even though they are out of the nest, we continue to guide them.  Baby bird still needed mom and dad to show him the way just the same as our children will continue to need us and the same as we continue to need our Heavenly Father to guide us.  We don’t always agree with the choices our kids make, but we will never forsake them, we are always there for them.  How much more so does God love us and wants what is good for us. 
He is always there and He will never forsake us.
It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.   Deuteronomy 31:8

Heading Home

On the second leg of my little get-away, I went HOME.  You know, the place that no matter how long you’re gone or how far away you are, it’s always HOME.  I drove up from Kentucky to Ohio.  I took my time, even took a little side trip through some countryside.  I couldn’t believe I saw two eagles.  The one was sitting in a field and as I slowed down, it flew up into the trees. 

 I spent a couple days at my in-laws.  Here I rested, watched the falling snow and the birds, enjoyed the company of my second mom.  Then I went to stay with mom.

We enjoyed just being together, antique shopping, going to lunch, and a movie with my sisters where we laughed until we cried.  We discovered a few new antique shops downtown where I bought a vintage camera.

We had dinner with a few of my aunts and cousins and I spent the day with my Aunt Bonnie where we talked photography for hours.  Her 4 year old granddaughter played model for us…what a cutie.  Spent the day with my newest nephew and fell in love, He’s the sweetest little guy I know.

Before I knew it, it was time to head home, but I really was ready.  I’d been blessed by all the beautiful women in my life…loved on, listened to, hugged.  They filled up my empty cup and reminded me that I’m not alone even though I’m far away.  Thank you all for a great trip!



I’ve lived in Illinois for six years now and have never seen the wild turkeys running around our neighborhood and still nothing to this day. However, while visiting family in Ohio, three wild turkeys came up to the house and checked things out. They left after just a minute and came back with the whole flock!! I had to photograph them through the window…so they aren’t perfectly clear.

We did not get snow for Christmas, but the snow did come the next day. Just enough to coat everything in white.


This is what it looks like when you are trying to decide what to take to Ethiopia when picking up your child. 
…and this is mom on the happy day they receive their Embassy Date, which means they can go pick up their son.  There is a bit of a snag, however, and I need all my praying friends help.  All military members have been banned during their elections to travel to Ethiopia.  Which means if D can’t go, M will have to travel by herself to pick him up.  We are praying that D can get a waiver in order to go.  They cannot wait until July to go because they are moving to Hawaii at that time.  Little E needs to be home before that. 
Here is my futile attempt to catch the hummingbirds in motion.  They are fast little critters.  Discovered…they don’t like flash and are way too fast without it.  So I will be patient and wait for a sunny day and try again.