Spring Arrives

Here it is finally…the sun close enough to warm the earth, to make the days longer.  We are in our Spring and it’s wonderful.  The trees are opening and the flowers are popping their little heads through the ground, reaching for the warmth. 

Every day I, too, reach for the warmth, grow a little stronger as He fills me with peace and joy.  I know it is a gift, each day.  I’m learning to appreciate the little things.  My eyes are opening to all the mercies as I count each gift.  I wonder what this season will bring…

new beginnings,
new possibilites,
new dreams. 

140.  Two lives entwined in marriage
141.  Redemption
142.  Resurrection
3 Gifts of God’s Promises
143.  His saving grace
144.  To be with us always
145.  That Christ would rise in order to redeem us all
146.  Gift heard-Easter message
147.  Gift held-my husband’s hand
148.  Gift hoped for-Easter with the sun shining
149.  Custard-filled donuts
3 Gifts White
150.  Frosty boy
151.  Puffy white clouds
152.  Pages in a book
153.  Smell of flowers in the air
154.  An incredibly large hawk that landed in the trees behind our house
155.  A new branding style that may work for all my business endeavors
156.  Daffodils

157.  New businss
158.  Time to relax
3 Gifts Waited For
159.  A new Desktop computer
160.  Springtime
161.  Warm weather
162.  My husband walking through the door every evening
163.  Phone calls from my girls
3 Gifts Blooming
164.  Our new lilac bush
165.  Tulips are just beginning to bloom
166. Crabapple trees

Perfect Love

There is no other love more perfect than that of God’s love.  In a month of showing love, it’s important to remember that God is Love.  For without Him, there would be no love.  His love endures, bringing with it peace and joy.  Just look around at the world He has given us, the gifts that surround us.  And it’s easy to see Him…the creator in it all.  I can never understand those that say there is no God.  The universe itself declares the existence of a creator.  We must only have eyes to SEE and a heart willing to BELIEVE.  In Him we find our TRUE LOVE!
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    His love endures forever.     Psalm 106:1

Joy Dare
54.  Holding hands.
55. Coconut cream pie.
56.  Warm breeze blowing on the deck.
Three gifts in working:  
57.  My husband for making the sacrifice and making the money.
58.  Cherry pie.
 59.  God working in the lives of my grown kids–He will never let go.

60.  The first sign of Spring–baby buds!

 Well, we aren’t quite to the flowering stage yet, but we do have the beginning of buds showing up on the trees and shrubs.  I can’t wait for the warmth and the color.

63.  Velvety soft roses.

Three things blue:

64.  Blue sky.
65.  Blue birds.
66.  My blue coffee mug given to me by a friend.
Three ways I feel God’s Love
67.  The warm sun shining on my face and another day to thank Him.
68.  Promises and reminders whispered in my heart at just the right time when I need it.
69.  As I count my gifts, His love speaks,

“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”  Jeremiah 31:3

To Be Grateful…

“To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything He has given us – and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him.
Gratitude therefore takes nothing for granted, is never unresponsive, is constantly awakening to new wonder and to praise of the goodness of God. For the grateful person knows that God is good, not by hearsay but by experience. And that is what makes all the difference.” 
                             ~Thomas Merton
52.  Valentine sugar cookies
53.  Chai tea
 You can find the recipe for these wonderful sugar cookies here 

Thankful for the Music

We think we have found a church finally.  It’ll be nice to get plugged back in, start meeting some people out in this area.  I loved the music.  Their band included a violinist, which just adds a beautiful touch.  It reminded me how much I love the sound of strings…maybe I’ll dust off my violin.  I miss the days when all us girls were playing, when our home was constantly filled with music.  Ari has started playing Viola again and has joined an orchestra at school. I hope to see one of their concerts this Spring.
Joy Dare
39.  Cozy fireplaces.
40.  Flickering candle light.
 41-43.  Three Gifts found in Christ, Love, Sacrifice, Mercy
44.  Peppermint mochas.
45.  Sleeping kitty curled up in my lap.
46.  Sweet violin music.

 47.  Reminders of what once was.
48.  My camera.
49.  Afternoon with a friend.
50.  All the beautiful women in my life.
51.  Rainbows…saw one out the back window this morning!
And, no, this was not my view, though wish it were!  lol!