
This is the day that the Lord has made…I will rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24

Snow is falling…

beautiful, full snowflakes coming down, turning my little part of the world white.  I open the door, the wind blows swirling balls of cold cotton against my face, down my neck.  I’m pouting, it’s supposed to be Spring, it’s supposed to be


As much as I want it to change, Winter is hanging on for all it’s worth…1 then 2 then 6 inches and more.

Are you in a season you wish would change, that you’d get a fresh start, a new tomorrow?  Life doesn’t always take the path we’d like it to go,

             sometimes we have to sit awhile in the present season,
             sometimes it lasts longer than we thought or hoped.

God has a purpose, a plan, a reason for this lingering.  But, know we do not linger alone. God speaks to our hearts, “I am with you always.”  He’s prepared the day and no matter how it turns out, we can be content.  We can sit around pouting or…

           We can have JOY unspeakable!

We can rest assured that in our patience, the season will come to an end…it always does.  Time continues on, it heals.  Our Winters become Springs. 

So, we wait, we learn, we count our gifts….we count it all JOY.

82.  Coconut cream Easter eggs
83.  Home
3 Gifts Green
84.  Easter tree
85.  My beautiful new family room
86.  Springtime
3 Gifts wore
87.  Diamond cross necklace from my mom
88.  My wedding rings
89.  My pandora bracelet for all the memories of those who love me
Gifts Hard to Give Thanks For
90.  Rainy days
91.  Thankful my girls are happy where they are even if that
means being far away
3 Gifts Found
92.  A new church
93.  A bed frame to match our furniture
94.  Reasons found everyday to be joyful
3 Gifts in the Kitchen
95.  Coffee maker
96.  Good food
97.  Dishwasher!
Gifts Loud
98.  Daughter’s voice as she sings her favorite songs
99.  Piano music
3 Gifts Carved
100.  A glass bowl repurposed
101.  Diamonds
102.  New furniture for the family room
3 Gifts Read
103.  A very special letter from a friend
104.  Book, “One Thousand Gifts”
105.  A FB announcement for a free book – “Choose Joy”

One thought on “Lingering

  1. Well, heehee, if I'm being honest, I would totally love to just stick right in the season I'm in. Build a nice big fortress around it and loiter 😉

    And what is this about new furniture?! So exciting! You'll have to share pics!


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